How Much Do Poodles Cost? (2024 Update)

How Much Do Poodles Cost? (2024 Update)

Poodles are one of the most highly valued modern dog breeds available. All breeds of Poodle are exceptionally intelligent, second only to border collies. They have high trainability as well as a family-friendly temperament. It is no surprise that such a historical, well-loved, and intelligent breed can be expensive both to buy and to own. So,…

9 Best Search and Rescue Dog Breeds (With Pictures!)

9 Best Search and Rescue Dog Breeds (With Pictures!)

Digging through the rubble, tracking in deep snow, or even jumping into floods, dogs who seek out people trapped in often life-threatening situations go above and beyond the role of BFF. They require extensive training for all involved, humans included. Search and rescue dogs have to undergo specialized courses in both search technique and scenario…

How to Crate Train a Poodle Puppy (steps)

How to Crate Train a Poodle Puppy (steps)

As with the differences in opinion among parents raising human babies, dog owners are often vocal about how they feel about keeping their pet in a crate. However, the data doesn’t lie—crate training Poodles can help them feel secure, reduce anxiety, and control bowel movements. So, if you’re ready to learn how to crate train a…

11 Healthiest Large Dog Breeds (with Photos) Including BIG Dogs
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11 Healthiest Large Dog Breeds (with Photos) Including BIG Dogs

Are you looking to bring a new dog into your home? If so, do you love those big, cuddly canines you can hug all day long? Those looking for a large, healthy dog breed have come to the right place. Here, I will detail the 11 healthiest large dog breeds available in the United States. I…

5 Best Dog Clippers for Poodles (2024 Update)

5 Best Dog Clippers for Poodles (2024 Update)

Just as we humans need routine maintenance to maintain good hygiene, dogs are no different. Likewise, no one-size-fits-all method of grooming fits all dogs since every breed is different. Poodles need regular, scheduled grooming to keep them happy and healthy. Grooming your Poodle is not just about making them cute—although that is a bonus. It…

Do Poodles Shed? [Poodle Shedding Guide]

Do Poodles Shed? [Poodle Shedding Guide]

Whether you are concerned about allergies or constantly sweeping up stray hairs, finding out whether or not a dog sheds is important when looking to adopt. Poodles are a popular option for many reasons. Their energy, loyalty, and signature curly-haired look are among those reasons. Their adorable curls are one of their main appeals, but…

Are Poodles Aggressive? (How to FIX)

Are Poodles Aggressive? (How to FIX)

Whether you’re trying to find a family-friendly dog breed for your children or you’re on the brink of watching your neighbor’s Toy Poodle, it might make you wonder—are Poodles aggressive? Poodles aren’t inherently aggressive. However, a Poodle’s past, separation anxiety, and the amount of training they have can all contribute to whether or not they…